Duke University — Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML and CSS — Course Review
The course Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML and CSS which is offered by Duke University is a fantastic course. This course is the first course in a five course series in order to obtain a “Specialization in Java Programming and Software Engineering Fundamentals”. As far as an introductory course goes, it did its job and then some. This course begins with teaching the student the basics of computer science while using codepen in order to help solidify this understanding through the use of HTML and CSS. It is quite inspiring to be able to have a visual of how far you have come from the beginning of this course to where you are now. The use of codepen in this course has provided an excellent interactive method for learning this course and providing confidence in your ability to design web applications.
Week One: In this week you learn the basics of computer science, nesting practices, HTML usage and CSS. You are asked to create an account in codepen, which you can link to your Github account. You are shown the basics of how to write text into a webpage, set up divs, headers and paragraph text. As the week progresses you are given different “Reading assignments” which ask that you implement what you were just taught in an interesting and unique method. After the week ends, you are given the opportunity to show your fully designed and functional website to your fellow classmates.