Brendan Massey
8 min readJun 24, 2021

DeMorgan’s Law, Decoder, MUX, Full Adder, and PLA!

In the previous blog, we looked at transistors and how to build logic gates from those transistors. In this blog, we are going to look at DeMorgan’s Law, the next level of abstraction, and the implementations and uses of those gates.

DeMorgan’s Law is a set of logical equivalencies. The laws govern the equivalence of AND/NAND/NOR/OR gates.

An example of DeMorgan’s Law would be the equivalence of NOT(NOT(A) AND NOT(B)). This would be equivalent to saying that “it is not true that A is false and B is false.” Well, if it is not the case that A is false…

Brendan Massey

I write about programming and computer science as well as review Coursera courses I have taken related to the aforementioned topics.